EAL  -  English as an Additional Language


St. Edward’s has a diverse and proud population of children from many cultures. We take pride in this and every year we celebrate that we are international mix of people living, loving and learning as a community. We have over 30 home languages spoken and do encourage families to promote their first language.

At St. Edward’s School we work hard and we want all of our children (especially children with English as an Additional language to be articulate and speak Standard English. We provide extra EAL session for children in the Foundation Stage, Key stage 1 and for children who are new to the country or new to English in Key stage 2. We focus on vocabulary work, science vocabulary, maths vocabulary, retelling stories, learning poems and rhymes and conversational English.

There are currently over 50 children on the EAL register. These children range from the Foundation Stage to Key Stage One. These children began their school career either new to English or with some knowledge of the English language. Children who have entered Key Stage 2 and are new to the country are also monitored. Progress is the Foundation Stage is monitored in Speaking, Writing, Maths and Understanding of the world.  In Key Stage One (and Key stage two) progress is monitored in Reading, Writing (grammar, punctuation and vocabulary), Reading and Maths every half term.  Once the children have gained competence they are removed from the EAL register at the end of Year 2 and have gained level 2S.

Extra English language acquisition is offered to those children who need extra help. Speaking and listening activities help children become more familiar with useful but unfamiliar vocabulary. By using puppets the children retell the story of the week; or they may need extra help understand maths or science vocabulary.

At St. Edward’s School we work hard and we want all of our children (especially children with English as an Additional language to be articulate and speak Standard English. We provide extra EAL session for children in the Foundation Stage, Key stage 1 and for children who are new to the country or new to English in Key stage 2. We focus on vocabulary work, science vocabulary, maths vocabulary, retelling stories, learning poems and rhymes and conversational English.

 We achieve this by giving children the opportunity to speak and listen to others.

Opportunities for speaking and listening enable children to:

*develop confidence and improve self esteem

* communicate effectively

*develop thinking skills

*help to sequence thinking and thought

*develop the ability to be a good listener and engage in purposeful dialogue

*express themselves regardless of ability

*develop turn taking skills, formality of speech, conventions of speech, convention of speaking and listening, talk in arrange of context

*develop an enjoyment of speaking and listening

* develop an awareness of the audience

*develop speaking and listening skills such as: explanation, instruction, characterisation, debate recount, interview, point of view, fact and fiction

Parents play a major role in helping their children achieve the above by talking to their children about what they are learning at school and talking about the ‘BIG WRITING’ homework.